With school, basketball, parenthood, being a husband, etc…. life has gotten a little busy lately and I haven’t made it a point to sit down and share my thoughts with you. For this I apologize and with Christmas break upon us for those in the education world, I plan to be a little more proactive with blog entries these upcoming weeks.
Written By: Patrick Hinson – Family Minster for Lake Travis Church of Christ
One of the definitions of legacy states, ” something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past” Lately I have found myself thinking about what kind of legacy am I leaving each and every day. I will be sharing with whoever reads this blog some of my thoughts over the next few days on this topic. The plan is to cover different aspects which I believe we need to be aware of and therefore active in ensuring we are leaving a legacy which would make not only your physical and earthly family proud but our Father in Heaven proud!
Thought #1:
We build our legacy each and every day and also one day at a time. Your interactions and relationships which you encounter daily play a big role in defining who you are and more importantly WHOSE you are. I would venture to say you meet someone new almost each and every day. Sometimes the word “meet” might just mean someone who you don’t know is observing you and passing a judgement on your words and actions. Luke 9:23 states: ” Then he said to them all: Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Every single day we live we need to carry ourselves in a way which would bring glory and honor to our Lord and Savior. We must attack each day as a challenge to live a life which would prove to our Lord, ourselves, and those around us we are completely committed to God. When those around us see us living a life which is different than the world then they will start to understand what is important in our life…..our relationship with our Lord. Let me challenge you to just be AWARE of each and every opportunity you have to share the Gospel and your life with those around you. Sometimes sharing the Gospel is nothing more than living the life as he would want us to. Remember in Mark 12:30-31 reads: Love the Lord your God with all your heat and with all your should and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. Let’s keep these verses in mind as we build our LEGACY one day at a time!