Some of you reading this have meticulous written plans for 2016 and are well on your way to accomplishing those goals. Some of your goals may consist of becoming a better father, mother, friend, spouse, son or daughter. Others may have planned to begin a new diet. To become more physically fit and to watch what you eat.
In order to be healthy physically you have to be conscience of what you digest and how often you exercise. Likewise, you should be conscience of your diet as Christians. Peter says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen” (2 Peter 3:18).
In the previous verse, which is verse 17, Peter is telling us to beware and be on guard so that we may not be carried away and fall from a secure place. If we become comfortable with where we are, then we will never grow in Christ. Peter encourages us to feed on the knowledge that Christ provides as an essential part of growth and development in our Lord.
The growth Peter is speaking of is spiritual growth; growing in faith. As Christians we need to crave and feed upon His Word like new born babies crave milk as they grow and develop. As babies grow and develop they move to more solid foods as we do when we grow spiritually.
As a believer and follower of Christ Jesus we ought to have a strict diet that consists of His Word and His truths. We ought to feast upon them daily and grow in His grace and knowledge.
Resource(s): Personal Bible study from the (NIV) Bible